Funny Stories

Burglar Breaks In, Hears a Voice – You Won’t Believe Who’s Really Watching Him!

A burglar breaks into a house in the dead of night while the family is on vacation

He is fumbling around trying to find valuables with a small, weak flashlight so as not to alert any neighbors. He hears someone say “Jesus is watching you.” He turns around quickly. “Who’s there?” There’s no answer. He continues on, thinking maybe his mind is playing tricks on him.

He hears it again. “Jesus is watching you.” The guy looks around again and spots a small parrot in a cage. He approaches the cage, and says to the parrot “oh, it’s just a parrot. Guess your owners taught you to say that.” The parrot says “actually, I’m fluent in English.” The burglar is taken aback.

“Well, that’s cool, I guess. Say, what’s your name Mr. parrot?” “Moses,” says the bird. The guy chuckles. “What kind of people name a parrot Moses?” The parrot replies,

“The same kind of people who name their rottweiler Jesus.”

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