Funny Stories

You Won’t Believe What Julie Asked Her Husband After Meeting This Man—The Shocking Twist That Left Everyone Speechless!

Chris and his wife Julie were going through financial crisis. Chris suggested Julie to become a hooker.

Julie was not sure how to start that, so Chris said, “Stand near that pillar and pick up a guy. Tell him your rate is $200. If you got any question, I’ll be parked around the corner”.

Within couple of minutes a black guy pulls up and asked, “How much?”
“Shigh, I have only $120”
“Hold on”… wife runs back to Chris.
“What can he get in $120”.
“A handjob” Chris said.

Wife runs back and tells the guys he will get a handjob in $120. Black guy agrees. She gets in the car, he unzips his pants and here is the biggest schlong ever.

She stares it for a minute and says, “Hold on, I will be right back”.

She runs back to her husband and says, “Chris can you please lend him $80.”

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